This page was last updated: April 24, 2017
London Vintage Radio Club
L.V.R.C. London, Ontario, Canada
"Preserving Yesterday's Memories for Tomorrow"
Peerless Radiophone Company
London, Ontario ca 1925

In April of 1987, a group of about 20 people interested in the collecting and restoring of antique radios met at the facilities of the London Jaycees to establish the London Vintage Radio and Gramaphone Association.
Dave Morris, who had been the prime 'mover' behind the formation of the club was elected President, and Glen Lee was elected Vice President. Bill Nunn was elected to serve as the first treasurer. A total of nine meetings were held during the first year covering topics such as cabinet refinishing, power supplies, and basic concepts of radio theory. Videos of the PBS series 'The Radio Collector' were also seen. The highlight of the first year was a trip to the Hammond Radio Museum in Guelph, Ontario . Most meetings also included a silent auction, a contest, and a guest speaker. The silent auction provided members with the opportunity to sell surplus items and the contest allowed members to bring their favourite items for judging.
The membership list for May 30, 1987 contained a total of 18 members. Eight of these individuals are still members of the club.
The club name was changed to the London Vintage Radio Club at the start of the second year. Glen Lee acted as President, Don Hatch as Vice President, and Bill Nunn continued as Treasurer.
The first fleamarket was held on September 9, 1989 in Folden's Corners, Ontario near Woodstock at the home of John DeWit. Many items from John's vast collection were offered for sale along with other member's items.
The club has grown steadily since, and now has a total of 149 members.
The club celebrated its 10th anniversary on June 28, 1997. The guest speaker at the meeting was the late Fred Hammond, VE3HC, curator and owner of the Hammond Radio Museum in Guelph, Ontario. A large birthday cake was consumed in quick order.
A large member turnout celebrated the clubs 20th anniversary in April of 2007 - a large cake and refreshments were enjoyed by all.
The hobby has changed somewhat since the club was formed. Some members have passed on, some have left, and new members have joined and the club continues to prosper.